Warraber (Sue) Island is the middle island of The Three Sisters, Torres Strait 100 km North East of Thursday Island Queensland, Australia in the Vigilant Channel Torres Strait. Situated on a beautiful coral cay, Sue Island boasts an abundance of traditional foods such as wongai and coconuts. A plentiful supply of fish, turtle and dugong enjoy the warm waters and coral reefs surrounding the island.
This island is one of the Torres Strait Islands
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The people of Sue Island are a very kind, compassionate and humble people ground, still very proud of their unique heritage. Life on the Island is still very traditional with hunting, dancing and ki ki (feasts) a vital component of contemporary life.
Many Sue Islanders still retain strong links to their traditional primal religion, focusing on ancestor worship and respect to the spirits.
On the 1st July every year the residents of Sue Island observe the "Coming of the Light". On this date in 1871 the Reverend Samuel MacFarlane of the London Missionary Society brought major social and spiritual change to the Torres Strait in the form of Christianity. Currently, there are two main churches on the Island, including the more traditional Church of the Torres Strait and the Pentecostal Assemblies of God (AOG) Church.
This island houses new ship tracking and communications technologies (Automatic Identification Systems) and ship polling via the INMARSAT C satellite system.